Friday 14 July 2023

Terrain is everything - Haemotrope Reactor - TO DONE!

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer my Haemotrope Reactor. This is an avoidance project - I'm already trying to avoid the last bit of metallics on my Deathwing Terminator.

But it's still hobby and its turned out so well. So well in fact I regretted not getting my Thermic Plasma Conduits to a similar starting point so I could batch the lot. 

I mean that does run the risk of burn-out - too much in one go. But even so there were milestones that I could have reached and easily swapped onto something else.

It just would have been really handy to be working on similar aspects, even if I'd focused on just the reactor when it was appropriate to do so.

Anyway, I love the colours, just the odd bit of BLESSED VERDIGRIS contributing so much.

The red glow on the outside of the coils is a mixed result. I really like them, think for just a thinned wash the glow effect is decent.

But, it might extend a little too much beyond the edges and is approaching a similar tone to the rust, so to my eyes it's almost rust, what do you think?

And here are the white background pics too.

A lot of rust, maybe too much?

If I got another I think I'd have less rust but I think this is what I was hoping for with my Servohaulers.

It's great to have all of these industrial pieces tied together. Again, I can't help regretting not getting my Plasma Conduits ready in time.

That little red glow on the bottom of his eye grill. I don't know what possessed me to do it but I love it SO much. It reminds me of something, maybe from an 80's videogame [which never had this fidelity of graphics] or action film but there is a nostalgic thrill I get EVERY time I look at it. I don't know how else to explain but it moves me in a way I've never felt before

Add in those ridiculous BLESSED VERDIGRIS stains and faked dial lenses 🤤

Additional details, plus the random selection of pipe colours. The orange ones were going to be yellow/black stripes but I didn't think they'd stand out so kept them orange, but different enough not to be rusty

Really proud of this, and another GREAT Big RUSTY Stamp of Approval .

Just one last thing to share - I love gloss varnish, especially when you first put it on and it creates this weird UV glow effect. Part of me wishes there was a paint to achieve this in one application.

Not quite as cool on the coils but still interesting. And also multiple applications of VerniDas gloss varnish to build up the dial lenses. Had to make sure gravity helped turn them into domes. Even a few weeks later there was still shrinkage and had to reapply drops. But they looks so cool.

Wednesday 12 July 2023

'nids part 345 - Tyranid Leviathan - BIG BUILD TO DONE!

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #BuildingWarhammer on #New40k and got to put some basing material down on my Screamer Killer. I had a press-moulded green stuff floor panel to add some variety and fit with the rubble under its foot.

2nd Screamer Killer got based too, but not base painted yet. Had to protect the cork with some tile adhesive/grout.

Aquarium gravel [green and blue chips] is really handy here. They add an intermediate size between some of the larger sharp sand stones and my sifted material. I'm running out of my Element Games millet basing material though.

Here's two Great Big Big Build RUSTY Stamps of Approval for the build.

Psycophage is based, with a spare Genestealer node for decoration.
Great Big Big Build RUSTY Stamp of Approval for the build.

And lastly in this group of build/basing, the Neurotyrant and Neuroloids. I had wanted to have an afternoon and get all the nids based but this was it for now. 
Here's the Great Big Big Build RUSTY Stamp of Approval for the build.

Tuesday 11 July 2023


Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #BuildingWarhammer for #New40k A few weeks ago now but I still need to record it. I was lucky enough to get my copy from The Outpost. They'd tried to mitigate all the availability issues with an option to 'register interest', but last minute they were only getting a third or two thirds so everyone went in a raffle and I got mine. Liam didn't so spent the entire morning scrabbling around but ended up with two. Meanwhile, I struggled to pay for mine while I was out at a LEGO convention but it was all good in the end and here we are.

Unnecessary unboxing as there are plenty of more exciting channels who've done this for weeks.

New box smell - just imagine.

Moar plastic.

Yet moar plastic.

And even MOAR plastic.


Rules and instruction manual.

Bases and cards.

So I immediately got to making the Ballistus dreadnought, no idea why but he was so big and easy to put together.

Psychophage next.

Then the Screamer Killer and despite my original thoughts his legs were too uniformly thick and could do with more definition I really wanted a second one to repose.

Nuerotyrant and Neuroloids

Winged Tyranid Warrior Prime.

Barbgaunts - because their rules look great, even if the model is a bit odd looking.

Von Ryan's Leapers.

Leaping off the back foot, for which I approve - so much more dynamic. Hopefully the rumoured Genestealers follow suit.

And my afternoon's efforts.

Which I thin part built this guy too. May magnetise and add some more Dark Angel bling.

I managed to pick up a second Screamer Killer on ebay for just £16 - that's cheaper than the standard Carnifex. I may never use both but wanted to play around. 

Removed the tactical rock, but added in a flatter one so his back leg wasn't cocked too high on another tactical rock.

Swapped the talon arms round so it definitely has a different silhouette.

Added a monstrous Adrenal Gland on its back and will add a few more Termagant sized ones elsewhere.

Also, the Carnifex upgrade bits for head blades and crests fit perfectly and a slightly longer Carnifex tongue helps to differentiate.

I've also built all the Termagants and Neurogaunts, just haven't taken pics - will do when they're all based.