Friday 6 January 2012

Terrain is everything - Dawn of War Plasma Generator part 3.

Here's an update just to add the finishing touches to the generator vents. As you can see mounting card was also used on the lower parts, with the two holes punched in and on the bit with the vents on. It was this second bit that I think the use of mounting card was a bit much as visually it takes away the horizontal line of the edge of the generator and instead continues the slope, which isn't the correct profile, but never mind. Cereal box card may have been a better choice here...

OK, the big question is the vents themselves. Well, my wife does a bit of card making and she has a whole slew of 'jewel brads' as shown below:

A simple operation to remove the jewel and a snip of the long brad, which together with the two short clasps holding the jewel in place can be folded back to leave you with this:

Some aluminium car body repair mesh was snipped with nail clippers to the right size, a delicate job but worth it as granny grating would be too big a mesh. This was just PVA glued in place. Of course I cocked up and snipped the four corner pieces of three of my eight Vents, which you might just be able to make out below. It's an alternative 'clean' look if you wish but I think the PVA will hold the cornered pieces in place better and more detail is more detail, best not to remove it.

Next up some rivets, in the corners of the side trapeziums and a couple of Drop Ship Aquilas, if only I had four...

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Terrain is everything - Dawn of War Plasma Generator part 2.

Thanks to MasterSlowPoke you all know my next terrain effort - the Dawn of War Plasma Generator. Of course this picture may elicit a call of "foul" - another one of those step-by-step guides that just goes from A - D, bypassing B and C but it's pretty straightforward, just fiddly in places. The white stuff is foamcard [obviously] and the black stuff is a laminate of three pieces of thin card.

The black is a textured folder card for use on report covers, I thought the texture might show up and be cool. There's a thin piece of grey cereal box type card sandwiched between the black, end result 1.5mm card. I was aiming for 1mm, if I'd have only used one piece of black that probably would have done it. Alternatively mounting card will do but I found this dead easy to cut, which was my concern over mounting card.

Masking tape was used to cap the foamcard in places, 8mm strips of my laminate in the reinforced areas. Mounting card was also used on the lower parts, with the two holes punched in. Later on I thought this a bit much as visually it takes away the horizontal line and instead continues the slope, which isn't the correct profile, but never mind.

As you can see I've used a CD base to create a standalone modular socket. This can can obviously be used on it's own or I can mount the Plasma Generator in any of the other modular sockets I've made so far, man-made hills for instance, though I doubt it'd work on top of the Vent Tower! Here's a marine so you can see the scale. I think it's actually taller than the DOW model but I think it benefits from the increase in scale.

Of course you are dieing to know about the plasma tubes... Simple, it's a Biro, chopped at the top, filled with any form of coloured gel*, handwash in this case and capped with hot melt glue. Now there is a knack to filling these, which I found out the hard way. I used a syringe to load them up but as soon as you start to fill them air gets trapped and the gel will come out backwards, not fill the tube, if you still have the coloured end cap at the bottom [which I did]. Now you can't really take the end cap out but if you put a tiny hole in it then as the gel fills it up the air can escape through the hole. If you use a needle file to puncture it from the inside it's relatively simple to press the plastic back in place until you can cover it with hot melt glue and seal it. Alternatively if you have the glue on hand you can seal it immediately.

As you can see bubble can be trapped in place but they do settle after a while. One note is that the colour is a lot paler than you will see in your gels normal container, this is obviously because you are looking through only a thin tube, not an inch or two of gel. I'm thinking bath bubble mixture may be slightly more vibrant in colour and definitely offer up more variety, reds and even pearlescent mixtures. I wanted the standard blue but I'd wanted to paint the structure Hawk Turquoise which I don't think will allow the plasma tubes to stand out so I've had to rethink that option.

I'm loathe to do another Ferron red structure, I wanted this to be metal so I'm thinking of doing the main structure yellow, and to weather it in as close an approximation of the rail crane at Appley Bridge Station. I'm not entirely convinced it'll work, as my efforts in yellow so far have been less than I'd hoped. Still, this could be my opportunity to get it right. The white bits will either be solid black or black/white chevrons. Overall though it's going to be a tough paintjob as I have to paint it unassembled as I don't want the plasma tubes to get spray or paint marks on them. Oh, the following shot should show up the folder card texture clearly.

So next to finish up is the venting on the sides, paint it with my usual black mixture and then Red Oxide primer as a base to put the Iyanden Dark Sun stippling on.

* I've just realised you don't have to use gel at all to colour the plasma tubes, you could use any coloured liquid or even paint. Water mixed with food colouring or even blackcurrant or orange juice depending on your desire. They'd probably be easier to fill as well, not needing the hole to allow air to escape.

Monday 2 January 2012

Look Around You! - Artificial Owl

The other day I was on Terra Genesis and someone mentioned a site called Artificial Owl. Now if you are into abandoned and weathered buildings, interesting photographs and Google Maps [squeal] then this is very gratifying. It has loads of pics of abandoned  and derelict structures, vehicles, monuments with a little history behind them and then it links them to a Google Map [squeal]so you can see exactly where they are on Terra.

Now, I've put the link in above to the visual gallery and I was browsing the pics and I'm pretty sure it's impossible to guess [as there are so many cool choices] but one particular structure really grabbed my attention. I could see something unique and inspired, a cool looking terrain piece, a viable gaming structure, a creative challenge and something that's core material would be relatively cheap [once I checked on ebay and was pleasantly surprised].

Anyway I'll give you a head's up on what's going down soon. In the meantime have a browse, be inspired to build some bits and if you want to guess what challenge I'm going to face next then leave a comment.

Saturday 31 December 2011

Terrain is everything - Dawn of War Plasma Generator part 1.

MasterSlowPoke made a good call about the following bits are the component parts of a DoW Plasma Generator. But also a couple of doors from some modular sockets...

And here's what I'm aiming for. Now despite my suggestion this was complex and detailed, with hindsight there's so much more detail I could be adding to this. More rivets, cables, vents, lights, changes to the base structure - currently mine is just sloped whereas the pic shows it as a step that intersects a slope. But I'm just doing a half decent simple copy. If anyone wishes to add to the final design feel free.

Not so sure I can replicate the underground cabling either, I'm such a cop-out! Ha, ha!

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Better off Dread - Dark Angel AoBR Dreadnought Update Update Update

Here's how Brother Cask is shaping up. Some of the metals have been 'verdi-gris'd', which is cool. I've managed to make a dirty Bonewhite so it's not the same as the Deathwing for parchments and the sculpt on the front of the sarcophagus. The Ferron Red is in place but due to it's shiny nature is 'telling me' not to add any highlights as it will just go orange. Equally the Dark Angels green is telling me the same. I'm thinking messing about with it now will just make it stand out and I don't want that neon feel for my Dark Angels.

Side view, and I love the parchment and the seal actually looks like wax, hence my reluctance to add anything else to that. Also the base has been done [uncharacteristically early], but not the Mechrite Red edge as there is still a bit to paint and the edge will be handled a lot which won't help the finish.

The back view, where the verdi-gris comes into it's own. A mix of the bronze/brass effects I like with a touch of weathering, so I may be able to add it to the Tactical squad afterall, so long as I am subtle about it. Still might make the skull on the back 'dirty white'...

The other side and the red is just a bit too shiny here, I need to take it down a bit, Devlan Mud anyone?

Couple more shots, with better lighting and close-ups. I'm pretty sure this is not far off complete but I know I haven't actually done a lot of painting on the green and the finish is a bit lumpy which I'm sure I could make it work for a bit of battle damage. However, with all the metals and effects so far I'm convinced the plain green makes those bits work better and if I add to them the whole model will be just too busy. So another model 'on hold' for the time being while I make more terrain.

Saturday 24 December 2011

Terrain is everything - "Can you tell what it is yet?"

As Shakin' Stevens once said "Merry Christmas everyone", I always wonder if folk in other countries 
get to listen to some of the classic British Christmas tunes like Noddy Holder, Wizzard and Jona Lewie. There's a very British feel to all the shops playing the same old festive favourites and I wonder if that travels internationally. Anyway, I digress.

Here we have the component parts for what may be my most complex piece of terrain yet. It's certainly iconic and will have a lot of detail packed into a small area. I say complex, maybe I mean fiddly, I'm not sure, but the STC to go with it will also be available and as the crafting of this structure will be dependent on the thickness of the cladding card you use, then there will be some bits you will just have to figure out for yourselves. For instance if you use 1mm thick card then you'll need 7mm wide strips of card to cover the cladding on the edges. 1.5mm and you'll need 8mm strips. As I say - fiddly. 

The upshot of this is that not being able to be 100% accurate with the STC means I may get it Mechanicum approved sooner rather than later. I've also got another structure I'm going to be working on that will blow your minds, quite literally and it will be a step by step guide only, no STC because this baby just does go that way. Of course all this terrain craft is coming at the expense of my figure painting but we'll gloss over that fact purely because my creative juices are flowing else where right now and I'm enjoying the ride. Have a good one.

P.S. If you know what it is, leave a comment...

Friday 16 December 2011

Deathwing Progress 2

So right when I was coming up on the anniversary of the blog and feeling the least motivated to actually do any painting I suddenly had a flurry of activity only for it to blow as I once again reached a 'painters block'. I did all the antique bronze and then applied my verdigris washes to the Deathwing and I think they came out awesome, but they now don't fit the look of the rest of the army, in particular the Tactical squad. Anyway these pics show how the verdigris looks, under natural light and I even attempted some glow effects on the eye lenses.

I'm not entirely convinced with my efforts on the Crux Terminatus. The Ferron Proxima stone effect doesn't look like stone, it's particularly reminiscent of my old Empire army figures, not sure how to tone it down or whether some drybrushing might make it more dusty, therefore more stone-like...

The other issue is battle damage, which I want to do, but it's going to be tough as I don't want to put silver in any scratches. I want perhaps black to show through as the fluff suggests that underneath all the Bonewhite there's black but what's underneath that? Again a decision that is choking any further progress.

And here lies the other side of the equation. The antique brass here is great, I don't want to touch it but it looks odd next to the Deathwing, although the verdigris being greenish does tie in with the tac squad colouring I wouldn't want their brass to have this effect. The same brasses are on the drop pod and dreadnought. Too much thought is stifling this whole project, no wonder I haven't touched it in weeks.

 The sad thing is that aside from the battle damage, targeting lenses, chapter markings and bases I think these are nearly done. There's not a whole lot left to finish the Deathwing off which I know would be a real boost to my motivation. The Tac squad isn't too far behind either. The fact is my priorities are fixed for the next few months but come April I may well be spending a lot more time and effort getting these things done but any little bit I can do between now and then will just make things go smoother.