Monday, 2 January 2012

Look Around You! - Artificial Owl

The other day I was on Terra Genesis and someone mentioned a site called Artificial Owl. Now if you are into abandoned and weathered buildings, interesting photographs and Google Maps [squeal] then this is very gratifying. It has loads of pics of abandoned  and derelict structures, vehicles, monuments with a little history behind them and then it links them to a Google Map [squeal]so you can see exactly where they are on Terra.

Now, I've put the link in above to the visual gallery and I was browsing the pics and I'm pretty sure it's impossible to guess [as there are so many cool choices] but one particular structure really grabbed my attention. I could see something unique and inspired, a cool looking terrain piece, a viable gaming structure, a creative challenge and something that's core material would be relatively cheap [once I checked on ebay and was pleasantly surprised].

Anyway I'll give you a head's up on what's going down soon. In the meantime have a browse, be inspired to build some bits and if you want to guess what challenge I'm going to face next then leave a comment.

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