Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Otty's Tyranids

Afternoon #Warhammer Community Marc wanted more pictures of Otty's nids, so here we are:

I like big bugs and I cannot lie.

Or bigger!

Little bugs are cool too, but so are those converted Hive Tyrants.

A plethora of Warriors.


A tide of gaunts.

An endless swarm!

Some of his Tyranid constructs - Forgeworld Capillary Towers, drop pods and defence line.

His Bastion, that I've shown before.

Hopefully this will scratch the bug itch 😉


  1. Those are some beautiful bugs! So coherently painted and a lot of conversions that really show this is a labour o love!

    1. Every project Otty does has the same level of attention, they're all labour of loves. That said his nids have taken somewhat of a backseat for quite a while as he's struggled with 40k and with so many other passion projects they've taken precedence. MESBG is his biggest love but he has spent some time recently painting some Eldar Titans to use in Adeptus Titanicus.

      The nids though will probably require rebasing. His Gaunts in particular all need 28mm bases. Maybe controversially, he made the decision to add sand and basing materials on the base edges, so they blend into the boards. This means base adapters won't work. He's comfortable with the ide of rebasing the lot, whereas I'm looking at adapters for all my own nids.

    2. Is it possible to get a quick breakdown on how to achieve that colour scheme? Beautiful looking Nids regardless

    3. I'll have a word with him, but he has a couple of models knocking around in the shed that have been 'in progress' for ages and might help if I take pics to go with it.
