Tuesday 11 July 2023


Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #BuildingWarhammer for #New40k A few weeks ago now but I still need to record it. I was lucky enough to get my copy from The Outpost. They'd tried to mitigate all the availability issues with an option to 'register interest', but last minute they were only getting a third or two thirds so everyone went in a raffle and I got mine. Liam didn't so spent the entire morning scrabbling around but ended up with two. Meanwhile, I struggled to pay for mine while I was out at a LEGO convention but it was all good in the end and here we are.

Unnecessary unboxing as there are plenty of more exciting channels who've done this for weeks.

New box smell - just imagine.

Moar plastic.

Yet moar plastic.

And even MOAR plastic.


Rules and instruction manual.

Bases and cards.

So I immediately got to making the Ballistus dreadnought, no idea why but he was so big and easy to put together.

Psychophage next.

Then the Screamer Killer and despite my original thoughts his legs were too uniformly thick and could do with more definition I really wanted a second one to repose.

Nuerotyrant and Neuroloids

Winged Tyranid Warrior Prime.

Barbgaunts - because their rules look great, even if the model is a bit odd looking.

Von Ryan's Leapers.

Leaping off the back foot, for which I approve - so much more dynamic. Hopefully the rumoured Genestealers follow suit.

And my afternoon's efforts.

Which I thin part built this guy too. May magnetise and add some more Dark Angel bling.

I managed to pick up a second Screamer Killer on ebay for just £16 - that's cheaper than the standard Carnifex. I may never use both but wanted to play around. 

Removed the tactical rock, but added in a flatter one so his back leg wasn't cocked too high on another tactical rock.

Swapped the talon arms round so it definitely has a different silhouette.

Added a monstrous Adrenal Gland on its back and will add a few more Termagant sized ones elsewhere.

Also, the Carnifex upgrade bits for head blades and crests fit perfectly and a slightly longer Carnifex tongue helps to differentiate.

I've also built all the Termagants and Neurogaunts, just haven't taken pics - will do when they're all based.

Monday 10 July 2023

#BloodBowl - Halfling Team - Star Players - TO DONE!

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on two Blood Bowl Star players for my Halfling team - Cindy Piewhistle and Puggy Baconbreath.

Grass has been added, with some flower tufts. This will match the 7's megabowl pitch I'll be working on.

Can't wait to have the whole pitch and teams completed so I can see everything together.

Back view.

Left side view.

Right side view.

Here they are alongside one of my previous team members, just to compare and thankfully the recipe and execution matches.

And the glorious close-up pictures to reveal all detail [which will make me sad as I'll see the mistakes]. Sandwich looks great though.

Note the S and P on his salt and pepper shakers, no idea how I managed to paint those tiny letters.

Zoomed in Cindy's face is all over the place but it's still better than I expected. I just wish I'd been able to do some eyebrows and lipstick that worked.

Sadly it just didn't. Even that blob of reddish wash on her right cheek was suspect. It helps from the front though, so I left it. But what a pie!

Can hardly see the rat/mouse poking out of the pie, but he's there.

Just make out its beady eyes and nose.

And another GREAT Big RUSTY Stamp of Approval .

Thursday 6 July 2023

#BloodBowl - Halfling Team - Star Players - Pre-season training pics

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my #Halfling #BloodBowl team. This is the Porkbelly Stuffers Star Players before they go off to their stadium - 'Surf n'Turf Moar'. 

Cindy Piewhistle and Puggy Baconbreath, everything came together in the end. 

I'm still a little disappointed that I couldn't execute the diamond pattern on Puggy's shoulder pads but it looks OK otherwise.

He's got far more 'crackling' than any other player, which befits a star player and he is more armoured anyway so it makes sense. His 'lucky 13' team number just visible on the right shoulder pad.

Really please with his face, even though hardly any of it is visible inside his helmet.

Cindy came out well, her face is great, although as evidenced by my zoomed pics in the last update it does not stand close scrutiny but certain aspects are better than I've ever done.

At least, the distance I usually look at it it looks great and the pies look cool too.

A great addition to my Armies On Parade, now I just need to do the Treemen and the board too and I should almost be ready. Just need to decide on back drops and things. Some TO DONE pics to follow with 'grass on the pitch'.

Tuesday 4 July 2023

What's on my palette?

Bless me #WarHamFam for I have sinned, it's been 7 months since my last confession! But I've been so busy I've not needed to take stock, nor fit in blogging about it but I thought I'd best chare where I'm at.

OK, so my son is back from uni and in the space of 2 or 3 weeks my hobby efforts have been significantly curtailed. I had time to do a lot of building of the Tyranids from Leviathan when it was released but painting has taken a serious nosedive.

However, I had quite the backlog of hobby progress that I haven't yet shared on the blog, not to mention a couple of non-battle reports. But again, time is short. Trying to hobby and blogging about hobby is a difficult choice. Hobby takes precedence but then down the line I start to feel guilty because I haven't shared what I've done, not guilty about you the precious reader, just guilty I haven't recorded it for posterity. Then guilty that I have a growing backlog and with the end of the Hobby Season just 2 months away I need to try and fit in all my unrecorded progress in the rapidly decreasing time available. Not to mention prepare everything for next season.

But, I am enjoying spending time with my son, we're currently going through Aussie comedy Rosehaven, which I adore and wish it was more widely available here in the UK. On top of that we're doing more things as a family, because he's now home, which is great. And, of course, there's gaming time at Otty's shed. So fitting in the:
  • 16 terminators, 
  • 4 Thermic Plasma Conduits, 
  • 3 Treemen, 
  • Armies On Parade Blood Bowl board, and 
  • basing and priming all my Leviathan nids is somewhat challenging. 
Lastly, it's my wife's birthday this month and I have the family birthday cards to design and print. I'd say I'm halfway through but even so there'll be a night or two where I have to put away the hobby to create these things. Hopefully I'll find time to get things done. I may not complete 5 things listed above but that's OK, so long as I find time to get most of my WiPs and TO DONES! on the blog I'll be happy.  I'll leave this for now so I cam try and fit in another blog post.