Friday 19 September 2014

'nids part 152 - MOAR Genestealers!

Apologies again for the micro-blog but by now you know the reasons. Things are moving forwards but not in a productive sense. Instead I'm just 'pushing peas around on my plate'. What i have done is get the Genestealers dipped ready for eventual painting. I have 11 of the new Stealers I won on ebay, they're the ones on the left alongside the 10 my Kendo buddy Tom Widdows surprised me with.

You can also see that after four or five years I finally decided to get some new Dettol. I'll strip these with a toothbrush in a few days.

And then transfer these from their inky black bath into a fresh Dettol one. I've had them in there for a month now but the Dettol has become saturated with past paints and the original Behemoth colouring has done no favours. Essentially they'reall covered by thin slime akin to used motor oil. I'm hoping fresh Dettol will strip them a little more and failing that a burst of Fairy Power Spray will make them acceptable.

I'm actually looking forward to adding some extra bits to all these Stealers. I'd question why I was doing this, they're not on my list and with my only recent success with Stealers being the Maufactorum brood, which I have sufficient models for this is really a pointless exercise. I do like the idea of having a full Manufactorum and Broodlord Hunting Pack. It's not a list that I think I could take but it is interesting and then I could add my Genestealer Cultists, By no means is this about making a Genestealer Cult army but it certainly makes it viable, even if gaming wise it wouldn't be.


  1. Hi Dave, funny this as I was looking into stripping two mini's for the first time only a week ago, looking around the net you tube and so on I found a few different products various people had used from Simple Green to Dettol to even Window Cleaner which I would never of thought of.

    In the end I opted for a Isopropyl Alcohol as it only takes half an hour submerged in the liquid for the paint to come off although it can weaken superglue so it kind of double edged.

    I think a Genestealer cult army would look awesome Dave and even better toasted by my Scythes Heavy Flamers, lol.

    1. Nice to have another options, thanks for the tip.

      Fairy has an unexpected bonus of debonding polycement. It's not guaranteed but by all accounts shouldn't happen but it can

  2. Simple Green is magic for stripping minis. The only thing I have had trouble removing completely is black spray undercoat, which is usually so thin it doesn't affect the finish anyway. Back when I was working in a research lab, we used to sneak minis into the sonicator with some hexane and let it rip. Don't try that at home (or at all).

    1. I'll have to turn off my sonicator then ;) Simple Green is often mentioned in realtion to paint stripping, so clearly gets results, sadly I don't think it's available in the UK. I think Americans struggle getting Dettol and definitely Fairy.

    2. Working for a lab does have it's benefits! :)

      It's ok dave! I spent most of the week just reorganizing my stuff and planning things out. All I got done was cleaning up some models and priming one of them!

  3. I use dettol to strip my minis but hate the gunky goo that gets left on then after. A good way I have found is to let the mini dry after it has had a scrub with a toothbrush to get as most of the paint as poss, then use fairy power spray after to remove the last of the dettol and paint residue. Works a treat :)

  4. Ha ha, well... the sonicator is alright to use, I was more concerned with the cumulative affects of hexane (especially when it is volatilised by the vibrations). It's a bummer that you can't get hold of Simple Green, and how do the Americans treat mild cuts and grazes without Dettol!? :-)
