Wednesday 5 April 2023

#BloodBowl - Orc Team, Varag Ghoul-Chewer - checks and red

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Orc Team. I continue to be inspired by, but deviate from Tyler Russo's amazing Orks at Billion Dollar Clown Farm and this Orc Team by Robbin Cruddace.

I've added the Orcy checks, stripes and 'dags' - trying to have fun and be varied in what I do and how I apply them.

I also added the decals for their team numbers.

As well as the Orcy horned skull motif as Robin did.

Red accent colours were added in so they were suitably Goff aligned.

The white bits where painted on thinly so it would look poorly applied. 

Rust and weathering will add even more texture to it in the end so I'm not fussed about great coverage.

Varag also progressed, I'm really liking how he's coming along.

And he looks great among his team mates. Although the red accent is a greater deviation from Robin's limited monotone scheme I still like where this is going.

I'd love to have the confidence not to do it but I just can't help adding in those accent colours. Washes and weathering next...

Monday 3 April 2023

#BloodBowl - Orc Team, Varag Ghoul-Chewer and Troll

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Orc Team. I've added all the silver in place and painted the green skintones after my test model.

Of course I did the green skintone on my test model years back so getting it to match is somewhat challenging.

I seem to have gone a bit more yellowy on the newer one.

But now it'll only be the test model that is different, the question will be if it's noticeable...

One concern is the paint is already chipping off, you can just see the end of the spiked knuckle duster on the right sharing bare green plastic.

Having used these in game [just in base coats] other areas are also slightly worn. Blood Bowl players get a lot more handling than 40k models, which is a worry.

However, I don't play Blood Bowl that often and if I do I actually have other teams I could play so maybe their durability isn't an issue at all?

While I was at it I added Varag to the team.

Got his skin painted and picked out some other details.

Really quite happy with him so far.

Although more to do to reconcile the face to something I can call 'finished'.

And my Troll too, I painted the Goblin.

The Goblin will be from my Mongrel Horde team [that will eventually get painted from leftover 2nd Edition models]. But the Troll will float between them and this Orc side, which I still have to decide on a name for.

Highlights to the black and all my Orcy patterning on their team strip next.

Friday 31 March 2023


Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity you would be forgiven for thinking I don't actually have a 40k blog, because I've not actually played 40k in a year or so. But, I still paint in the hope that 10th edition will renew my love of the game... and lo it came to pass at Adepticon [that I did not attend] 10th edition was announced! Really excited to see how the game evolves and obviously the launch box is interesting.

Tyranids and Space Marines. The new Termagants look great, I love the subtle changes to the Fleshborer and some of the extra details. However, there may be a bit too much on the carapace chitin for something folk will be painting dozens off. That said it's been pointed out these will be so easy to paint with Contrast, it's just my old school scheme that will be a challenge. I can't imagine painting more than what's in the box though, as I've already decided to commit to update all my oldest Termagants next hobby season 

But the new data cards are interesting and I'm glad to see Devourers have had their strength increased back to 4. They're almost a decent alternative to the Fleshborer now, which has had its AP-1 removed, but still S5. Spinefists may even be an option too! 

However, the launch video has a different version of the data card with Rippers appearing to be a unit upgrade. I'm not sure how this makes things simpler, with mixed models in a brood but all the info is on the card so we'll just have to wait and see. Plenty of other half glimpsed new bio-organisms in the cinematic trailer too. Whether they're the ones we really need or not we'll discover. I do think the 9th edition cinematic was a bit more forthcoming with seeing the new Necrons; the Tyranids are a bit more obscured which seems unnecessary. Certainly in a few months when the models are fully revealed this will fall short at showcase the amazing evolution of these creatures.

And on to the Lion and yes I see Charles Dance, moreso than Davos Seaworth and I will definitely be picking him up when he becomes available. I'm certainly happier with him as my Primarch than the Guilliman model.

Out of the four heads though I'm most likely to go with option four - the winged helm. I've no idea how this massive model will sit with my stunty First Born models but he was going to stand head and shoulders above Primaris anyway so it may just make him look even more impressive.

Fingers crossed we get more info on his release soon. There was some really exciting reveals for me and I can't wait to add even more to my grey tide, just as I was starting to put a dint in it!

Wednesday 29 March 2023

Adeptus Titanicus - Titans in Manufactorum - Cerastus Knight Lancer - TO DONE!

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer #AdeptusTitanics on my second Cerastus Knight Lancer. Here's both red and white background pics.

I went a bit more OTT with the #BlessedVerdigris this time.

I absolutely love the pose and I'm so surprised I was able to make it look different to the first one I made.

They make a nice duo and I'm surprised how varied they look.

Some close ups, you can see the verdigris in much more detail. The yellow is a bit more vibrant than the first Cerastus.

But I wanted him to stand out a bit more.

Purity seal parchment is always a bit hit and miss with me, I never quite feel I've done a good job, but this one's OK.

Cog decals on the shoulders. The previous Cerastus did not feature the standard black half of the shoulder pads of a House Raven colour scheme, so I had to feature it here.

Freehand attempt on the heraldry badge and a random number decal - because numbers!

Freehand of the House Raven icon badge. I managed to shade the vent a bit - sufficient to make it stand out from the rest of the base.

Two Lancers together.

I keep thinking about the starter set which would give me another two of these. I think that would be pretty awesome but I'm holding off for now, new 40k incoming...

And with that a GREAT Big RUSTY Stamp of Approval

Monday 27 March 2023

Adeptus Titanicus - Titans in Manufactorum - Cerastus Knight Lancer

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #paintingwarhammer #AdeptusTitanics on my second Cerastus Knight Lancer. This had been built in August 2022 and I saw it as something of a palette cleanser

Base colours and the patterning are in place, metallics mostly finished off. Massive purity seal, which would obviously get stuck in the lance mechanism - which is why it's there!

The brassy bronze needs to be toned down a bit but the blessed verdigris will also help here.

Much more yellow and black stripes on this one

The press moulded vent on the floor isn't standing out particularly well so I need to find a way to make it more evident.

Lots of glow FX still to do, highlights and weathering.

Finished soon...