Wednesday 12 October 2022

#DreadTober Death Guard Foetid Bloat Drone - TO DONE!

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity it's the second of DreadTober and I've been painting my Bloat Drone. I know this doesn't look too great that less than two weeks in I've completed my pledge but I'm pressured with so few days left until Armies on Parade. It'll be 8 days left today and I'll probably have one evening gaming so only 7 more days to do my Ravenwing Attack Bikes and tweak the Munitorum Containers.

The Containers could be considered part of the pledge alongside the attack bikes but still so much to do. Back to the Bloat Drone and it naturally progressed really quickly. I had a choice to make with the fly icon on the front - rust or Blessed Verdigris and I think I made the right choice with the verdigris.

I really think the turquoise works in this instance. I'd originally wanted to keep that just for my Dark Angels but in the end it adds a little more history and variety to the colour palette. It also helped with fly icon on the gun barrels too.

If I had more Bloat Drones I would consider a paler bladder/body material similar to the Poxwalkers. Although the angry red flesh is what I intended it doesn't feel it has enough depth or variety. I'd have liked a little more underpainting so we would get the illusion of what's going on under the skin. The red is just a little too opaque overall.

But really pleased with the results overall.

Although the eye lens might have been better in orange, the Tamiya Clear Red X-27 red is obviously used on the flesh immediately below. 

I think it adds a layer of confusion about what material the lens actually is. It's a minor annoyance as I really like the lens, it's just confusing to me.

And as revealed in the previous post I also finished these old skool Space Crusade Chaos Space Marines.

Although not 'dread' sized I just needed some more bodies for my Parade and these marines have been sat unpainted for 30+ years.

There's a surprising amount of red in there, almost Khornate on the middle one but I wanted all that panel detail to look like raw exposed flesh, like an open sore.

I;ve also been playing around with my camera apps as I took TO DONE! pics of my Poxwalkers and Camera360 made them so stylised they're almost unrecognisable from the actual models. I'll probably take the pics again.

But Camera360's Velvia filter really gets the high contrast saturated look of my red shots. I've found another app called Ektacam that will also replicate the Fuji Velvia filmstock, but it doesn't smooth out the detail as Camera360 does. Unfortunately it's an old app, not built for the current Android OS and has some incompatibility issues. Any time I try and change the camera ratio it stretches or squishes the image into the new dimensions rather than crops it. It's an annoyance but the results are more consistent for these shots.

So, two more GREAT Big RUSTY Stamp of Approval for the 2022/23 Hobby Season.

Thursday 6 October 2022

#DreadTober Death Guard Foetid Bloat Drone

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity it's the first of DreadTober and I've been painting my Bloat Drone. With so few days left until Armies on Parade, naturally I took a few evenings off which feels like such a mistake. But, I took my son back to university and when I did get chance to paint again I made significant progress as you can see.

I'd actually painted the Vallejo Game Effect Dry Rust prior to the session in particular but then it was Colvin & Co Burnt Umber Artists' Acrylic for all the panels and Army Painter Red and Purple Tone washes over the top and all the fleshy bits.

It's added so much to it and although I would like some other tones, particularly on the paler areas I love the mottled effect so far and I'm happy to leave it mostly as it is. It's come together almost instantly, but I think it's deceptive as there is still a lot to do, it's just nothing will be quite as transformative.

OK, while I was at it I had these 3 old skool Space Crusade Chaos Space Marines that I had started with my other Death Guard but did not expect to finish them.

But I need something to do while I'm waiting for the Bloat Drone to dry. The sensible thing would be Munitorum Containers or Attack Bikes, but carrying on with more Death Guard means I'm using the same paints. They'll still be useful in my AoP display and it's very efficient to do it this way, so I'm not doing anything silly by throwing paint on them.

Scale-wise they're a little stunty, but I would suggest that's because the current Death Guard have been upscaled. They're still as tall thanks to their horned helmets but realistically they're just a bit shorter. They'll make some nice background fillers any way.

So, I'm getting it done, very quickly considering DreadTober is supposed to be the whole month but I've other schedules to meet so I can't complain if I deliver early.

Tuesday 4 October 2022

Terrain is everything - Munitorum containers - BIG BUILD TO DONE!

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer and I know it's #DreadTober but I have a backlog of content and although not a Dread and not the 'dread' I've pledged it is sort of dread sized. Anyway, I hope to get an additional 2 Munitorum Containers finished for #ArmiesOnParade and this is the 4th one I got from the Imperium partworks sale, that also got me the additional Death Guard 

It had been sat unbuilt for quite a while because I wanted to make the doors hinged so they could open and close.

It's a little fiddly but actually very simple. I used fine brass pins in the doors themselves and drilled into the door frame.

I drilled through the bottom of the door and had to try and patch it up with some sprue shaving, superglue and bicarb of soda. Fingers crossed it's strong enough.

Basecoats, this appears much bluer than in real life. It is Hydra Turquoise I think so has a little more green in the colour.

Warhammer 40k munitorum container

These containers can be incredibly frustrating as to get to this stage is relatively quick and easy. Then I get stuck with how next to proceed.

Warhammer 40k munitorum container

I;d originally planned a white stripe down the centre but somehow thought the red looked cool so that arrested any momentum as I had to ponder that change in plan.

Warhammer 40k munitorum container

It would still need washes though, to try and bed that Turquoise into the red oxide undercoat.

Warhammer 40k munitorum container

My sepia wash once again doing it's damnedest to leave deposits in the recesses. Not a problem with loads more washes and rust effects to add but this is much more representative of the actual colour.

Warhammer 40k munitorum container

I'll be trying to keep the red stripe darker than I usually go. It won't get to Vermillion, I have a Mephiston Red that I'll be sticking to.

Warhammer 40k munitorum container

After I do some more highlights and weathering the next issue is big numbers, how and where do I put the big number?

Warhammer 40k munitorum container
However,  I do get a Great Big Big Build RUSTY Stamp of Approval for the build.

Saturday 1 October 2022

#DreadTober Death Guard Foetid Bloat Drone

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity it's the first of #DreadTober and I've been #PaintingWarhammer

OK, so the Foetid Bloat Drone is my primary pledge, it's almost Dread sized but more importantly I need it done for Parade Day on 22nd October. I've started with the watered down Vallejo Game Extra Opaque Heavy Red.

It should in fact only take my a week to 10 days to do but I've some other items I can pledge to finish at the same time. It's a little unfortunate these events have coincided at the same time. I had planned to finish off my Reaver and Warhound Titans as part of my pledge after this, but I may have other things to do.

Once I've completed this I will focus on my Ravenwing and the 10 bikes may just be too much to do after the Bloat Drone uses up maybe a third of my remaining hobby time. So, I will prioritise the Assault bikes. They're pretty big, and there's 3 of them. Perhaps see them through to completion.

Then I have my 2 Munitorum Containers which might be handy to push forward, time permitting.

If that's get done then I've the remaining Ravenwing I can try to get done. Sadly my Gellerpox Infected, which would have been perfect for AoP won't be done in time. As much as I'd love them to be, and my Death Guard army is much quicker to paint than my other armies, there just isn't the time. I wouldn't want to compromise them, or anything else already on my painting table to meet some arbitrary goal.

Anyway, Dry Rust on the Bloat Drone next and some basecoats.

Friday 30 September 2022

#DeathGuard #KillTeam Poxwalkers basecoats

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer Death Guard Kill Team. Technically my #NewYearNewArmy for #ArmiesOnParade. OK, I did take some pics of my Poxwalkers. Basecoat stage with some Vallejo Extra Opaque Heavy Red washes. The big bloater guy has had a set of highlights added to the Stonewall Grey base.

I've 16 Poxwalkers and although I'm not following my completely diverse skintones there is some subtle differences in this group. Half of them are Stonewall Grey flesh coloured, with half of them red washes.

The other 4 are green washes. I'm also trying to replicate my Free Radical Collective Genestealer Cult uniform scheme. 

These guys are being infected from the same population, in fact the second from the right has an almost Tyranid arm [maybe with a bit of Kroot thrown in]. I like the idea that Nurgle is trying to find some way to use the Tyranid DNA [I know they retconned them not having DNA, but whatever] as a viral infection -hence these mutants.

The other half of the group is basecoated with Army Painter Skeleton Bone. Split again with half shaded green and half shaded red. 

Obviously there is red here also but it's the underlying shading. I've then added a bit of Skeleton Bone as highlights to a couple of them [see if you can work out which ones] to see how that's going to work.

Here's my red shaded four, lots of beatsticks/hammers between them, which I hadn't noticed before.

That coat may prove challenging.

So, significant progress of some of the simple and necessary basic elements. I think it's the orange stuff next. Get all the uniforms done and move these along.

Wednesday 28 September 2022

#DeathGuard #KillTeam Plague Marines - sessions 1 and 2

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer Death Guard Kill Team. Technically my #NewYearNewArmy for #ArmiesOnParade. Oh man time is short, AoP is round the corner, just 23 days days from today [although these pics are from a week or so back]. I've the Plague Marines, the Pox Walkers and the Foetid Bloat Drone to do for #DreadTober and trying to fit everything in and finding the time to write and publish blog posts about them is really challenging.

And that's not even mentioning the Ravenwing! So I got on with these Plague Marines, slapping on my Vallejo Game Effects Dry Rust, with some watered down Game Extra Opaque Heavy Red anywhere I thought was fleshy or sore.

The last tranche of Death Guard was 4 marines and here I am adding the Tallyman to the mix.

And a Lord of Contagion. I don't know whether this may end up too overwhelming. On top of that I am actually throwing some paint on the Pox Walkers simultaneously, although less judicious about the photo record for them [sorry].

With the base colours on it's time for my Colvin & Co 'Burnt Umber Artists' Acrylic'. Smooshed on and used as a wash in places it gives the best grimy effect.

I'll be adding more washes - red, sepia, purple, green, strong tone etc. Anything to add more tints, colours, splotches and filth.

I want the idea that these guys just live in filth. Their plague vessel just dripping with slime, gunk, and decaying muck with not a clean spot on board.

Then, trudging through this black tar field, they get even filthier. I must admit the Lord of Contagion has much more rust on him than I had been aware of. Add to that I have no idea if I can replicate the filthy purple cloak from my last tranche of marines and he's somewhat daunting.

Right, must crack on.