Tuesday 13 September 2022

What's on my palette?

Bless me #WarHamFam for I have sinned, it's been 7 months since my last confession! But I've had a period of slow progress and just completed a Hobby Season and set out the new one so it's understandable. But I realised and important thing - it's 34 days until #ArmiesOnParade2022 entries open! Now that's scary...

I realised a while back that the primary goal of all the 40k figures I'm painting is for my AoP display. Granted the Ravenwing have a potential in-game role but I'm painting them for Parade Day and the Death Guard too. Last year I bought more Death Guard to bulk out the army [they were cheap too] and just got the Gellerpox Infected, but didn't realise the timescale... Unfortunately, knowing how I paint I suddenly had a massive panic for what I can achieve. Now, entries open on 17th October until 1st November, awards ceremony will be 26th November. The actual Parade Dayappears to be the 22nd of October, so it means I have about a week extra for the online entry and then a few more days until in-store display, which I definitely want to attend in person this year. Which means I have to work out what's on my palette, what I can do and what I might have to drop or see as a stretch goal

So what's on my palette right now?
  • 3 x Ravenwing Attack Bikes
  • 3 x Ravenwing Black Knights
  • 3 x Ravenwing bikes
  • 1 x Ravenwing Primaris Chaplain

These have become a mojo-thief, the very thought of line highlighting the black put me off painting for a few days or so. I've tried painting my Death Guard as an intermediary, to help kickstart the motivation to do them but to no avail. My revised spreadsheet says there are 282 elements, of which I've done 80 so far. As it stands I don't actually need them for the display, and I'm not sure I could do them in time anyway, but if I get round to them the attack bikes will be the priority. 

Death Guard:
  • 4 x Plague Marines
  • Scribbus Wretch, the Tallyman
  • Lord of Contagion
  • 3 x Old Skool Space Crusade Chaos Marines
  • 16 x Poxwalkers
  • 1 x Foetid Bloat Drone
All in bold are doable, with the Bloat Drone earmarked for #DreadTober having painted 4 Marines in a week I'm confident of getting the rest done in a similar time scale. The Tallyman and Lord of Contagion are being worked on alongside so I suspect it'll take 10 days to get them complete, add 2 weeks of the Bloat drone and you can see my consternation - out of my 35-39 days I'm left with just 11-15 days for the Poxwalkers and Ravenwing... I've no idea how long the Poxwalker will take, they have some base colours on at the moment but it's still an unknown.

I also have the Gellerpox Infected - which would have made an amazing addition to the Parade but I will not rush them, which is frustrating because they're so perfect.

Lastly, I have the Haeomotrope Reactor and 2 Munitorum Containers [which are almost complete]. I think 3 or 4 nights on the containers would get them finished and would add to the display greatly. The Reactor would look cool too, but I think it's far too much to do alongside everything else.

I'm also having to contend with a potential job change and keeping up with the blog. I had a fortnight off and wrote a good few blog posts which is good for another week. But I'm struggling to get my head round doing the hobby that needs to be done and recording it, specifically #DreadTober which I always enjoy and was looking forward to. The Bloat Drone was an easy goal and I had planned to then do my Adeptus Titanicus Reaver and Warhounds, but the Munitorum Container may turn out to be be stretch goals there. So, how I fit in my recent progress and upcoming progress is a mystery but I'll give it a go.

Anyway, lots to do, so I best crack on!

Monday 12 September 2022

#DeathGuard #KillTeam Four Plague Marines - White pics

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've continued #PaintingWarhammer Death Guard Kill Team in a #Blanchitsu stylee. Technically my #NewYearNewArmy for #ArmiesOnParade. Okey doke, you all love the white pics as they tend to give a more neutral background to judge the painting, although as I've mentioned numerous times my camera app still adds some kind of smoothing filter but it's still the best I can find.

The teeth on the belly and the left vambrace! I don't know how this happens sometimes.

That skull on the backpack - accident, but I love it.

Fleshy bits worked out so well on this one. Plenty of reference for some of the upcoming additions to the force, including the Poxwalkers.

Tamiya Clear Red X-27 glossy finish has played havoc with his eye lens - making it more difficult to discern but it looks better than the pic conveys.

These 4 were such a treat to do but technically important as they happened to include numerous aspects I got to further explore and refine - giving me the confidence for what is still left to do.

That bright orange blob of rust on the top of the backpack is the only element of Dirty Down that worked, so I kept it. I may try again on some of the others...

And the quintet.

What do you think? How do these stack up against my other armies. I have to admit the freedom in painting them compared to standard space marine armour is a blessing [ a foul one but blessing nonetheless]. It has definitely convinced me that when I do come to paint my Primaris force it will absolutely be a metallic army. I do not want to blend or line highlight in the traditional sense. I really think a silver army would different for me, challenging and and interesting exploration of a faction that I'm currently finding the least appealing to do. A long way off but making these decisions now will help overcome those obstacles in the future that drain your hobby mojo. 

Friday 9 September 2022

#DeathGuard #KillTeam Four Plague Marines -TO DONE!

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've continued #PaintingWarhammer Death Guard Kill Team in a #Blanchitsu stylee. Technically my #NewYearNewArmy for #ArmiesOnParade. This was 5 days work to get them finished and I am so happy with the result.

It gives me confidence that I will get the Plague Marines done at least - a decent enough force for my Ravenwing to hunt in my AoP display.

The Poxwalkers might be more of a challenge, so I have started laying down some base colours to see if they can follow a similar process. They have some different materials, rather than power armour so it's a little more challenging with flesh too.

The sickly green plasma glow worked really well here. I had been somewhat sceptical and unsure about the choice but it turned out OK, even with a little OSL glow on his arm and tiny tentacle.

And the purple cloak - plenty more purple and sepia washes to make something look filthy. So it doesn't actually look like a purple cloak just something that has been repeatedly stained. Perhaps this is how I should approach the skin of the Poxwalkers?

The occasional mustard yellow accent in place, usually on skulls adds a little extra. 

But the rust is working, even if it isn't the renowned Dirty Down Rust I'm pleased with the results.

And the slightly darker Red Planet BASE stones works better than my original test model.

I love the effect on his belly armour. Again I'm sure I could have added some highlights and it would have been equally as interesting but I wanted to move away from lighter models.

This means they're easier to paint and different to how I would normally do something and different is good. It pushes you, challenges you and maybe elevates your skill level.

The rusty sword came out OK, as did his horns. The closest to Blanchitsu I've ever done I think

The grenades were a little annoying as I still wanted orange grenades like my Dark Angels, but didn't want them to look like rust. But also some are actual skulls so I had to play around.

Here we are with my five finished Plague Marines - the difference is subtle between these four and the test model.

I won't be changing him, there's no point really as I still like what I achieved with him. 

But the point of a test model is to try things out and I was always happy with the step before I did the highlights and when I had 4 come together that I was happy with I see no point to go further.

Anyway, enjoy the rest of the pics and then I've got white pics next week. 

So, here's the last Great Big BLESSED VERDIGRIS Stamp of Approval for the 2021/22 Hobby Season! I know, it's confusing but I'm sure you can all keep up.