Monday, 17 September 2018

Dark Angels - Ravenwing Dark Shroud part 3

Well this is odd, I can't seem to find a post about my Dark Shroud that includes these pictures, or in fact the subsequent metallics. These were taken in December I must have been preoccupied and forgot to share them. Obviously this is just the Warplock Bronze basecoat.

Which I would have followed with Balthasar gold and Retributor Armour and all the other bits to achieve my 'brassy bronze' which I failed to record. I think I did that around February/March, alongside the Predator and Razorback.

Liam has returned from holiday but I still need to visit to pick up the Knight legs, then I can focus on the Imperial Knights. This delay has given me a few weeks to try and move the Dark Shroud past the metallics hurdle and onto the black highlights hurdle! Construction on the knights can be interspersed with my painting of this to make each more manageable.

So here we are up-to-date, the metallics were then washed with my Valejo Sepia Wash which is a bit darker than Army Painter Soft Tone, I suppose it serves me right for putting it on neat. Some of the tide marks are unfortunate but it's underneath and the Veridgris will act as interference as well.

And here's the shroud bit [as opposed to the Plasma weaponry] the statues will be red Ferron marble and the relic of Caliban will be Bonewhite offering up another fluff mystery that the 'Wraithbone' chips scattered over Ferron Proxima might be fragments of a Calibanite castle.

What Heresy would it be for the Order to have inadvertently been mining Wraithbone on Caliban to create their castles? Anyway it should look pretty cool once it's done. The statues on the GW Studio model are green marble but that would have introduced another colour into my Ravenwing.

Sticking with the red reduces the colour palette a bit. Looking forward to getting this fella done, it's a big hole in my Ravenwing force, alongside a Talon Master/Sammael. I'll get there eventually but for now it's keeping me out of mischief until the Knights sally forth! That said the actual motivation to crack on with this and use this 'gift' of dedicated time eludes me 😞

Friday, 14 September 2018

Warhammer Underworlds Shadespire Chosen Axes - Where they were @ now they're TO DONE!

You'll be aware I finished these just before the Hobby Season finished and then immediately started again...? Nevemind. Obviously I didn't have chance to share their WiP so here's where they were @ before they got TO DONE!

I'd put the orange onto the hair and after the sepia wash started applying highlights to their follicles.

I think it was one or two sets at this stage at which I would add a second or third.

The aged bronze was looking OK, I was still going to apply a little patina - cos that's what I do.

I then decided to do the skin on one of them - Incubi Darkness, Dark Reaper, then highlights with Dark Reaper:Turquoise and then white spotlights. Yellow eyes, a bit like 40k Salamanders [but obviously not red]

Still think I could have tried a bit more colour, more turquoise, but as a test it did give me the opportunity to do that on the other three. I'm not sure they're consistent but skin tones are different anyway so it dodn't have to be perfect.

Meanwhile Google Assistant created this B/W version of one of the above pics which I thought looked cool too.

So yeah, I cracked on with them and will try and get some TO DONE! pics to share with you next.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Genestealer Cult - Abominants

Back when I was first building my Genestealer Cult models I realised that I might need an Iconward. Although the model was greta and all I had a plan to kitbash one. I had a spare Rat Ogre from the Island of Blood [?] set. I'd used the other one for my Skaven Blood Bowl team but I figured this one with two Genestealer heads might look like some über Abberant [Übberant?] that could double as an Iconward. Well they only went and made an Übberant, sorry, Abominant. Now you can see though that might still be value in my kitbash [once I attempt it] as that Rat Ogre is almost 'Primaris' scale to the Abominant.

Although I'm not about to mix my Astartes scales I'm quite happy to have a crack at doing this at some point, there'll be a scything talon arm underneath his bladed arm. Now I know things seem a bit random and hectic with all these things at the moment but what I need to do is prep a lot of stuff, get it based and primed ahead of the colder weather. Then I can focus on the Knights in a few weeks and when things get tough I've little projects like this to fall back on.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Double Trouble 4 wrap up & painting competition

Here we have the last Double Trouble painting competition and this is the Best Painted Army category. First up is this Space Marine army, I;m not sure which chapter they are but they were really quite effective.

Even though it was a simple scheme as a whole they came out really well.

Just goes to show yellow doesn't have to be hard!

Next a Ryza Ad Mech army.

The orange metallic Katellan robots were pretty cool.

And who doesn't love Red Planet BASE!

A really nice Tau army, I was really impressed by the use of the upside down tub for the observation area.

This Harlequins army was stunning.

Just look at the stars

And the diamond pattern too.

Absolutely stunning and a potential worthy winner.

Oh my, just enjoy!

And the Best Conversion category. I recognise this as Dan Wellington's two headed Heldrake

An awesome Slaaneshi Renegade Knight, which was the winner

And this converted Defiler.

Best Character category - Commisar


Space Pixie [which was the eventual winner]

Captain Slam


Best monster or vehicle category. Ian Plumpton's Stormsurge, which he'd won in a previous raffle at one of Alex's events.

A huge T'au flyer named after a fish.

Ven Dread

Another ex-raffle prize [apparently] - big Knight.

Lots of pointillist detail on the armour.

And my own Lancer which won the category.

If you didn't know I also won the raffle. Fully two thirds of my Genestealer Cult army has been through these raffles, worryingly it's the two thirds that is sill unbuilt and and painted - so much to do!

Anyway, this is the real reward. I often thought the selfie thing was a bit weird and folk might not get into the spirit of it but every gamer I've ever asked has been up for it.

I'm not very competitive, I want to meet people, share a game have some fun and hopefully have some tales to tell about random acts of chance/brilliance. Alex's events and in particular Double Trouble where you get through 9 gamers throughout the day are the perfect way to meet my tournament needs.

I can't thank Alex enough for the effort he put into these events through the years. I'm pretty sure I'll see some of the regulars in other events in Stockport and around the area but hopefully Alex too.

Thank you Double Trouble, over and out!