Saturday 18 June 2011

Ice Magic baby

A while back I was discussing the awesome Ice Magic rules for use by Tzarina Katarina, the Ice Queen of Kislev. And of course I expanded that to include Ice Wizards of any level with my Heroquest Ice Wizard.

Anyway, I thought I'd finally upload the rules so you can see what I was on about. So, what's cool? 

Power 1. Freeze Water. Allows you to freeze any body of water. An easy way to get across that river or tempt your opponent to do so only to hit it with a Bright Wizard spell which automatically unfreezes the water.

Power 2. Bridge of Ice. Transport a friendly unit up to 18" in any direction, even into combat!

Pwer 3. Chill Blast. 2D6 S5 hits up to 24" with no armour saving throws!

There's still some other cool spells but sadly none of these include the ability to coat your opponent in liquid chocolatey goodnees and then set rock solid in a couple of minutes immobolising them so you can despatch at your pleasure, YUM, YUM!

Thursday 16 June 2011

Terrain is everything - mo' mo' mo' fences

Here, we have a couple of steps in the fences. Below is where I was at after putting all the pale blue 'reflective' metal effect in place, the second set of pics show it better. I appreciate it may not be realistic but there's something 'right' about it and I think the result is really effective.

These two shots show the two styles of metal I produced. A single reflection and a double. The double may be more realistic but there was something about the single in it's cartoon boldness that just worked so I think 10 or 12 of the 14 fence panels are single style.

The result is something I'm so happy with I'm not sure whether to continue with the weathering. I like the idea of doing and I've certainly got enough fences that I could weather just half of them and still not end up with a mix and match on the battlefield that ended up looking odd. On the other hand much like having an entire army painted in the same style it's incredibly satisfying to see all 14 panels, plus their damaged counterparts in a box lid together so I don't want to lose that mass appeal.

To end here's the inspiration from the train station. Not quite as blue looking in real life but you can see there's plenty of marks, stains, rust and weathering that I could achieve with a watered down Tin Bitz, sepia and Devlan Mud washes and some brown and orange rust effects...

P.S. some electrified fence warning signs to add and having observed some rust on Llandudno pier on my holiday recently and just how random it can form I think I could get away with a few fence panels being rusted up and the remainder being pristine. If I ever get the urge I'll test my skillz!

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Ravenwing bikers

As promised here is my Ravenwing setup. I'd got a couple of bikes with vouchers and stuff and then needed that third to form a complete squad. I was really lucky and an ebay 'win' gave me another four 2nd hand for less than the price of one new one! Of course with my Ravenwing upgrade sprue [which was around £4 on ebay too] I could prep these three and sell the three spare making them practically free! But I thought  'sod it, I'll have six of the beggars' and eventually ordered another upgrade sprue! 

I'm painting the bikes and riders separate so I can get in all the nooks and crannies, so far I've only added the boltgun metal and silver to the black undercoat. Going to add some sepia heat scorching on the exhausts [or maybe use Tin Bitz in places].

Still to work out the colouring, I'm confident on the highlights for the black I'm just worried about too many colours getting involved with the Ravenwings. I mean the Code has them white and that looks cool and I've options to do them a cool white with my Anita's Pale Blue or a warm/dirty white that will tie in with the Deathwing if I use a sepia and Devlan Mud bonewhite base for the wing but part of me is wondering what raven has white wings?

Here are the other three bikers still to be 'Dark Angeled up'. Can't seem to see a way to remove their helmets so I can replace them with the ones from the upgrade sprue. I'm also looking to arm them with flamers as they could do a whole lot of damage to a nid horde as the burn past. So that's another purchase! However, as I am also on the look out for two missile launchers for my Devastator Squad and the new ones won't fit my 80's retro models and the 2nd gen ones were rubbish I may go all nu-school retro with this from Forgeworld. Although I don't like the old flamers but I may end up selling them to replace with the plastic ones... of course waiting to purchase these puts the painting on the back burner for now unless I work out a way to carry on without their guns in place, I mean it is only two of them.

Sunday 12 June 2011

WFB - Home made Empire War Wagon

Penguin: ... But a little patience - and a LOT of tape - make all the difference.
So here's my homemade Empire War Wagon. I took the flat views of the original model, traced them and then photo-copied by 150%. Used the photocopy on balsa wood. Then for all the armour scales I used 'chads' that's the name of th small circles of paper/card you get out of a hole punch. Hundreds of them positioned one after the other. Lollipop sticks were used as the axles, they've since broken through the balsa wood lower frame but I still think it's cool.

Extreme highlighting in mass effect once again. My Light Wizard Ninja Accolytes getting in on the action and matching the colours scheme once again

A close up of the 'Hot Wheels'.

Friday 10 June 2011

Terrain is everything - mo' mo' fences

Through the magic of Photoshop I give you an image shot at night! Can't say I can always colour correct quite as well as this but for once it's turned out alright. So here's 6 feet of fencing [with another foot already based and undercoated]. At this stage I had to glue all the sharp sand and create some ripped fences but it was all coming along smoothly.

Fast forward a few days and here we are with the basing complete. Undercoated black and Early Learning Centre black poster paint basecoat [for a bit of texture] with a Red Oxide coat for the floor and Rockcrete pillars, followed by my Vermilion Art Acrylic drybrush [or more like a 'drybuff' the way that it polishes up the matt spray paint].  

What's missing from this set of pics was where I masked off the fence areas with some paper and clothes pegs to hold it in place. This was to ensure there was a nice black edge to the fence when I came to paint it pale blue. Of course I forgot about the 'spill' from the dry brushing process but I think perhaps having that mottled effect may well enhance the blue fences as it'll be going on areas of black and the red which is lighter so it should make a realistic effect [fingers crossed].

Of course I will still try and cut in some black at the edges but there's still a couple more highlights to add to the red planet basing scheme before I can do the fence. The ripped fences worked well n'all.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

'nids part 21. Tyranid Prime Tutorial, part3

Here's the latest update to the new Tyranid Prime. He's had all his basecoats put on - Bonewhite, blue and liver. Gryphonne Sepia and Devlan Mud washes to follow.

Here you can see it with it's close assault brother, hopfully illustrating the slight variety in the pose due to his brother having two left legs and mounted on a proper GW base, with slate effects.

Monday 6 June 2011

WFB - Kislev Winged Lancers and their Queen

There's an element of sadness to these pcitures because Kislev is no longer welcome in the World of Warhammer. It features in some of the books but you can no longer represent our comrades beset by the forces of chaos, holding back the tide before it reaches it's Empire cousins. Not that I play WFB but I think it's an odd decision especially when you consider the penchant for different types of Imperial Guard. I mean if you can have your Catachan Jungle fighters, Cadians, Death Korps, Vostroyans, Mordians and more surely there's room for a little room for our Russian-alikes [not to mention Cathay and Nippon]?

Anyway here's a mix of Kislev Winged Lancers and some horse archers to bulk out the unit. They were 25pts each, 14 pts cheaper than your Reiksguard and maybe not as heavily armed but a cheap alternative cavalry source.

A close up of some of the lancers, flat colours again to pick out bits and give it that 'cartoon' look. Note the Braveheart style tattoos on the standard bearer.

The three horse archers I used to bulk out the unit. Seems like an odd selection now, 4 lancers and 3 archers what blister packs/box sets was I buying at the time?

I liked the jade balls on the lances, they matched the Ice Wizards staff. Those lead [pb] lancers are very easily bent by the way, as you can see! The Lancer pelts are also quite cute, some little 'big cat' that looks like it's road kill!

A view of their backs so you can see the winged bits and the not ineffective highlights on the Lancer pelts

And lastly we have the Ice Queen herslef - Tzarina Katerina. I'm sure I mentioned my original plan was to have her on some shop bought Polar Bear as bears were an optional mount available from the 'Imperial Zoo'. It would have reduced her movement, and the Lancer unit to which she'd be attached, by a couple of inches but it would have been cool [don't know where those rules are though, think it was in the WFB 4th edition rulebook].