
Friday, 27 September 2019

Dreadtober 2019 - A 'cheaters' guide...

Dreadtober begins next week and I have this Redemptor Dreadnought to do. Now it's supposed to be you build and paint your Dreadnought [or equivalent] in the month but I know my hobby pace and knew building it in advance was a minimum.

I also got it based, primed, base-coated and then painted the base [along with a lot of other models]. Now this took a significant amount of time to get to this stage, so I wouldn't have achieved this and potentially finish the model in month otherwise. At least now I have a fighting chance.

All the brassy bronze is the next priority [ I will start that on the 1st] and my prior brassy bronze exploits will reveal this can break me, so I need to hold strong and get all those bits metalled up so I can enjoy painting the greens! And we all know how much I love doing that - just a bit above Ravenwing... is there anything I actually like to paint? Sometimes I wonder why I put myself through all this if it's all so difficult, but we rise to the challenge and maybe that is the reason - the constant striving to overcome hobby inertia...


  1. You are bad at cheating Dave, I half-finished my entry last year ;-)

    1. Ha, ha, but it was a big guy so you're let off!

  2. For bronze on the dreadnoughts try a paint pen, couple of good options on Amazon from Sharpie (a 3 pack with copper/silver/gold) and a cheap pack with a multitude of colours.

    1. Interesting, I'll take a look at them. Have you used them?

  3. Wow you really are getting a jump on Dreadtober.

    1. Now I feel really guilty ;) I just know if I was starting from scratch it just wouldn't get done. It's bad enough getting a Dread sized model to coincide with October but still on sprue, it'd be a frustrating and probably fruitless endeavor. Luckily I've mostly skipped the boring parts anyway.

  4. Looking very impressive.Cheating has its place, although mopping up old units is still in my opinion a necessary part of the project.

    1. If only he was an old unit... but I take your point.

      Having a goal and a task to join in with can be motivational. In all my many tricks to help keep my mojo [and we know they're not always effective] the most effective is to mix it up.

      Sometimes deadlines are detrimental, sometimes not. Sticking to a project stubbornly can be productive other times it's best to take a break and come back.

      So Dreadtober is an ideal way to just dip into another hobby dynamic, have a commitment, hopefully a finished model at the end and then see where I'm at come November with my other projects.

      Variety is the spice of life!
