
Thursday 28 January 2016

Tidy mind/tidy workspace

With the Man Cave's case of Nurgle's Blight [which I've been keeping on top of and preventing outbreaks with judicious anti-mould spray applications] I've been a little down on the whole hobby room enjoyment but I realised in part it was becaus of how untidy my workspace was. I'm untidy at the best of time but the apathy and constant shifting of the paint table meant I just didn't care. The fact is I sit facing the computer anyway so the paint space is irrelevant. It was annoying me though and depsite not wanting to sacrifice a good deal of hobby time rectifying the situation I arrived at a moment where that was possible, because there really wasn't very much else I could do in that time.

Now some would say this isn't much better, and I admit since this picture it's begun to deteriorate yet again. However, I cannot underestimate the feeling I got from this experience. I'm sure there's a single word, like schadenfreude, untranslatable from another language that would explain the feelings I had whilst doing it. It's a sensation I've had numerous times before of 'rediscovering something long lost, like a memory from childhood', it's a peculiar mental process that then evolves into an emotinal one, not unlike losing The Game [Tom Widdows]. It's quite a nebulous emotion that when I feel it I keep reaching inside to capture why it make me feel that way.

Of course that all sounds like a whole load of nonsense but this is the hobby slump time of the year and I'm trying to harvest positive feelings when everything else is seeking to drag me down and stop progress - and yes I've been struggling with that due to:
  • Numerous tasks at hand
  • Sheer amount of dull and tedious jobs that are the priority
  • Lack of completed To Do items
  • Man Cave mould
  • Bad weather
  • Fatigue
They've all combined to sap will and its worth me noting that a simple tidy up has done wonders to my psyche, so I best keep it up and not leave it so long next time.


  1. I know that feeling - whilst I don't have a dedicated painting space, I'm forever needing to tidy up the garage, where I work on scenery and keep stuff. I think the problem is I work right up until the last minute i have available and don't leave time for tidying.

    You can't beat that satisfying feeling though of having a good place to work in - I love my daughters very much but I do miss my desk!

  2. Dammit dave I just lost the game!

    I know what you mean about painting space. my wife is good enough to let me keep a tray that has my paints and stuff underneath of coffee table. that means I can just do a little bit here or there, without ever really needing to go to a certain space. it also forces me to keep it tidy as its a portable thing in a communal space!

  3. I think that's tidy compared to mine at the moment Dave,ever time I do tidy it I tell myself I'll keep it that way but it never happens.

  4. I think that's tidy compared to mine at the moment Dave,ever time I do tidy it I tell myself I'll keep it that way but it never happens.

  5. I know what you mean. Sometimes there just seems too much to do, and no forward progress. You're definitely doing better than I am on the tidying front, though! Good luck with the rest of it, too!
