
Monday 5 October 2015

3000 - Arbitrary milestone of the week

Here it is! My most recent arbitrary milestone is 3,000 and as promised it's all about you, well mostly you, a bit of me and probably a few spammers - it's comments! Yes this little blog has generated 3,000 comments, from compliments to critique, rules debate to penis enlargers we've had it all.

I've always tried to answer comments, even if it's just to acknowledge receipt of a compliment [hence why I probably have so many comments]. I know recently it's taken a while to respond but that's access issues to the blog front end but I do get round to answering them all as soon as I can. My mate Ben mentioned how he no longer comments on blogs he doesn't get a response from so I appreciate your patience in waiting and I'll endeavour to still deliver comprehensive replies should your comment require it. Having a dialog with the readers helps to make this blog better and it reaffirms the value in continuing to publish posts.

I still get chance to comment on others blogs, sometimes it's easier than my own, I may not be as prolific as Greggles but I'm keen to practice what I preach and it's important to highlight credit where it's due. I think we're seing a little resurgence in quality blogging in the community at the moment so I'm glad we're making the hobby a better place. All the best.


  1. Well done. Going strong, keep it up alway love to see your posts pop up on my feed.

  2. No one is as prolific as Greggles!

    Well done Dave. Like you, I always like to reply to comments on my blog if someone goes to the effort of posting something.

    1. Well the great news is I just found a back door into the front end of my blog thanks to Monkeychuka's lataest post
      It would seem if I come to it's not bloacked. I can access the comments section and reply. As soon as I hit Publish it'll revert to and will be blocked but by then it's too late, I've seen everything! So I should be back on track and more up-to-date with replies now.

  3. Awesome stuff Dave....Penis enlargers?!? missed that one.

    Yeah i alway replys to comments on my blog not that i get that many but its fun and think you should do as someones gone to the effort of leaving one, Great blog and FB page.

    1. Don;t fret they don;t work... erm, or so I;ve been led to believe ;) Glad you're still enjoying the blog.

  4. Keep up the good work Dave & they will comment lol
