Thursday, 19 March 2015

'nids part 166 - Dakkafex No.2 - TO DONE!

With a bit of effort I made the final push on my 'Beast of Phodia', I will get round to his Stranglethorn Cannon at some point.

I'd actually put a fair few extra highlights and stippled fleshy texture effects on the Fleshborer Hives/Devourers but the Tamiya Clear Red X-27 has covered most of it up, still nevermind.

Now, there's just the third Canrifex to do and although I said I was happy with just three I did read up on the Bio Blast brood where you cna have 3 Broods of Carnifex and they get split fire and twin linked as a special rule. How cool would three broods of two be?!

We'll see though, as I really don't fance having another three Carnifices to paint at the moment, the remaining one is enough.

Although I love the base it does mark him out as very different to the other two of his kind. That may help if I have him as Old One Eye though - what with his 'hero' base.

Interestingly I swapped this head onto my other Carnifex and it looked so much better, not sure why but there you go.

Looking for flyers to shoot down.

And here they are together. As you can see the Tamiya Clear Red X-27 makes a huge difference but I really like the variety between what is the same model.

Close-up of the base, the varnish slimes worked, after a fashion.

Nom, nom, nom!

And here's the Red Stamp of Approval! He may not have been on my To Do List but it's nice to have completed something when things have been actually quite hard, hobby-wise.

Keep an eye out for a bargain @ Home Bargain

I was in Home & Bargain yesterday and came across one of these - Powerplay Pro Metal Carry Case (PS2). It was reduced from around £35 to £3.99! It's a decent aluminium case that is roughly the same dimensions as the small Citadel carry case. I'll confirm later the inside dimensions but it's about 2cm bigger all round than a standard foam figure tray so you will need to pad it out somehow.

However, as you can see there are two padded boards inside the case to hold the PS2 in place. These have slots cut into them and the inside black foam but they could be adjusted to form the support for standard trays. Form what i can work uout you'd also get 5 trays stacked on top of each other too!

Anyway, most Home Bargains have random stock, so there's no guarantee your local shop may have them but it's worth keeping your eyes peeled. Now, you could get a bigger cardboard KR Multicase for the same price that this will cost once you kit it out with foam, but how much is an aluminium KR case... from what I can see a damn sight more than £3.99 plus foam of your choice!

So, keep your eyes peeled!

Internal dimensions W38.5 x H29.5 x D12 + 4.4 [lid]cm

Monday, 16 March 2015

'nids part 165 - Dakkafex No.2 & 3

Although the blog may not show it at the moment I am pottering on with my painting, in particular my second Dakkafex. This is the Beast of Phodia actually, just I haven't painted up his load out just yet.

I have of course used a lot more red, I actually like a little more variety in the colour schemes, these are [un]natural creatures afterall, and this one needs to be very angry, with it's enhanced senses making it enraged by the extra stimulus. On the plus side it does tie in a lot with the Tamiya Clear Red X-27. So he is done, the base is done but his weapons still need to be varnished and then I can get my tick.

Meanwhile the ebay Carnifex I won before I even got chance to get Deathstorm has been rebuilt. I had thought to have him twisting to the right but managed to get a really impressive twist to the left that looks really aggressive. I've also got another pair of Fleshborer Hives to add on, these are in a much more arms out 'come at me bro' pose.

The three Fleshborer Hive Carnifices look great as a brood, there over-sized weapons make them look even more imposing. I know they can be perceived as too big but given how these weapons are THE most useful tool in our arsenal at the moment why shouldn't they be impressive? Not to mention that given how everything is getting bigger the once iconic 'biggest model' that GW produced is now just a little wee baby compared to Tervigon's and Toxicrenes [although really that's it's tentacle-span that makes it look big]. I can't wait to run the three of them with a Warrior Prime 'herdmaster'

I'll probably just undercoat this fella and get back to some Deathwing, maybe finish off the Malanthrope alongside everything else. His weapons are up to first highlight stage and I've about five more heads that are nearly complete so that I can just magnetise it however I feel at the time.

Friday, 13 March 2015

Not quite ebay sales you won't regret

OK folks, what I have here is that my nephew is getting out of 40k. The one that inspired my own son to dip into the muddy waters of Games Workshop and so helped me fall off the wagon! He's got quite a lot of stuff, some still on sprues and some painted as only a 10 year old can. I thought I'd offer them up first to readers before I go through ebay. Ideally I'm after selling each of the factions [Space Marine, Tau, Orks, and a few Lizardmen] in whole lots.

So what I've done is look at the GW retail price for the full value, then looked at 3rd party/ebay equivalents for what you'd pay discount [or estimated with a *] and then I'll shave off a good percentage more so you're getting a bargain. I'll even include the cost of postage in these prices!

Ultimately though these are his miniatures and he's selling up to pump more into his PS4 habit so I'm trying to get a decent return for him but I accept some are built and painted badly but they can be stripped easily. Have a look what there is, oh and the foam trays won't be included as I'm buying the two carry cases off him:

Most of the marines as a group, separate images to follow

Decals included, some Space Wolves too.

Space Marines GW 3rd
Venerable Dreadnought
AoBR Dreadnought
Terminator Chaplain (Metal)
AoBR Tactical Squad
AoBR Commander
AoBR terminator Squad (5 men)
Scout Squad (5 men)
Assault Squad (5 men)
Command Squad (5 men)
Terminator Squad (5 men)
Predator Tank
Razorback (mint in box)
Attack Bike
Techmarine and 4 Servitors (finecast)

So a discount price of £206, but I'm looking for £150, less than half it's retail value!

Close up pictures of the above tray...

Two broken rotors, no rotors and two broken rotors. These Deffkoptas fly by luck alone!
Orks GW 3rd
36 x Ork Boyz [some AoBR]
5 x Ork Kommandos [metal]
1 x AoBR Ork Warboss
9 x Ork Mobs with Big Shootas/Lootas
9 x Ork Big Nobz
3 x AoBR Deffkoptas [broken or missing rotors]
3 x Killa Kans
1 Ork Trukk

Again I'm looking for less than half retail at £100.

These Kroot images may be a bit mixed up but check the table for what's on offer.

Tau GW 3rd
28 x Kroot [12 unpainted + 16 on sprue]
36 x Fire Warriors
3 x X25 Stealth Suits
1 x XV8 Battlesuit
8 x Drones
1 x Devilfish [Mint in box]
1 x Devilfish [built and painted, badly]

Once again, £90 all in, way less than half retail and £50 off the discount options

I've also got a box of Warhammer Lizardmen Saurus Warriors. These are practically mint in box so I'm after £15, including postage which is the same as you'd pay from Wayland, but you'd have to add postage on top.

So if you're interested drop me a comment below. No doubt I'll get comments for just bits instead of the four lots, in which case I will consider these options with a smaller saving on the 3rd party retail price, i.e. a Devilfish for £15 but the multiple postage will be a pain, hence why I'm trying to sell in bulk and just get them sold and out of my house.